Destination Connections

If the data that you wish to connect with, is not available publicly, and requires authentication to be accessed, then SAP Destinations is used here to provide the authentication details, and to securly connect with your external data source.
To add a destination in ShortPoint that is configured in your Cockpit, then you need to provide the Destination name as written in the Cockpit, followed by a coma (,), then the name that you wish to appear in ShortPoint for this kind of connection wrapped within double quotes (")

Example: if you have two Destinations configured in your cockpit, one for Latest News that is is named in the Cockpit as latest-news, and the other for Team Members that is named in the Cockpit as team-members, you would write them as follows:

latest-news, "Latest News"
team-members, "Team Members"

Other REST Connections

If the data that you wish to connect with, is available publicly through a REST web service, without authentication, you can write here the URL for your REST web service, no need to configure any Destinations from the Cockpit for this kind of connections.
If you have multiple connections that you wish to connect with, provide each connection URL on a separate line, followed by a coma (,), then the name that you wish to appear in ShortPoint for this kind of connection wrapped within double quotes (")

Example: if you have two REST URL connections, one for Latest News that is available on the URL, and the other for Team Members and is available on the URL, you would write them as follows:, "Latest News", "Team Members"

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